Resources for Teachers for Communication-Intensive classes:
- Dannels, Deanna P. “Time to Speak Up: A Theoretical framework of situated pedagogy and practice for communication across the Curriculum.” Communication Education, 50.2 (2001): 144-158. https://doi.org/10.1080/03634520109379240
- Burdette, Rebecca Acosta. The Relationship between the High-Impact Practice of Communication-Intensive Courses and Undergraduate Degree Completion at a Research University (RU/VH). LUS Doctorial Dissertation. 4721. 2018. https://digitalcommons.lsu.edu/gradschool_dissertations/4721/
- Eodice, Michele, Anne Ellen Geller, and Neal Learner. The Meaningful Writing Project: Learning, Teaching and Writing in Higher Education. U Press of Colorado, 2016.
- Pandey, Shyam B. and Santosh Khadka. Multimodal Composition: Faculty development Programs and Institutional Change. Routledge, 2022.
- Dannels, Deanna P., Patricia R. Palmerton, and Amy L. Housley Gaffney. Oral Communication in the Disciplines: A Resource for Teacher Development and Training. Parlor Press, 2017.
- DelliCarpini, Dominic, Jenn Fishman, and Jane Greer. The Naylor Report on Undergraduate Research in Writing Studies. Parlor Press, 2020.